Today's Session

Kelly Vaughn is joining us to talk gift cards, subscription experience, & retention strategies
When: Today (Wednesday, Nov. 17), 2 - 2:45 PM Eastern, US
About Kelly:
Kelly has over a decade of experience in ecommerce. She’s the Co-founder of Govalo, a brand new Shopify gift card solution that offers send scheduling and an out-of-stock integration.
She is also Founder and CEO of The Taproom, an agency that builds custom development solutions for ecommerce sellers on Shopify and Shopify+. Her team has worked with clients including All Girl Shave Club, Eat Your Coffee, and Mask Moments.
Kelly co-hosts both the Ladybug Podcast and Commerce Tea, and authored Start Freelancing Today.
Topics she'll cover:
- How offering more powerful gift cards could be a Shopify seller’s ultimate solution to this holiday season’s supply chain issues
- Why you should make subscription management as convenient as possible
- The benefits of creating and communicating really compelling reasons to subscribe
- How gift cards can be used as a retention strategy
Come with questions and we'll bring you on to ask them (or you can drop them in the chat and we’ll ask them for you).
Not registered? Sign up here.
Coming Soon
Experts on deck
We meet every other Wednesday at 2 p.m. ET to keep the discussion going with ecommerce subscription experts. If you register once, you'll be registered for each session between now and the end of the year. Here's a look at what's coming:
TODAY: Nov. 17
Kelly Vaughn, Co-founder, Govalo | Founder + CEO, The Taproom
Dec. 1
Jamie Levy, Head of Merchant Engagement at Shopify Plus

Jimmy Joy's upcoming shipment notification is 🔥
I want to extend a HUGE thank you to Otto Mouton at Jimmy Joy for sharing their shipment notification stats with us for a case study. Check out the 3-minute video on this page.
Recap of the results:
- By making the option to delay extremely prominent, the company saw a 50% decrease in "too much product" churn
- They maintain a 58% delay retention rate (meaning 58% of subscribers who delay have a successful charge after the delay)
- Their upsells of one-time add-ons have yielded them a 16X ROI on the software spend
- Their upcoming shipment email through ARPU has historically averaged a 70% open rate
Great job, Otto and the Jimmy Joy team. It was a pleasure learning your story!
If you have an ARPU success story you'd like to share, email Ashley [@]